Children's Day with the Polish SA. How we protect personal data with „the GDPR-buddy"
During the meeting, students will learn that an image is also considered to be personal data and should be protected. Through play, children will learn how they should behave when using the Internet to ensure their own safety and that of others. In order to consolidate the knowledge, practical exercises were prepared for the participants.
The 45-minute e-lesson, which will begin at 10 a.m. on the day of the event, will be conducted by a teacher from the Princess Aleksandra Ogińska Primary School No. 10 in Siedlce.
“The GDPR-buddy” (in Polish: “Roduś”) is a character created by students and teachers of a school in Siedlce to help children understand what personal data are and how to protect them. ”The GDPR-buddy” became the protagonist of the educational initiative, which was carried out as part of the educational programme "Your Data – Your Concern”.
Participation in the e-lesson is free of charge, and the meeting will be available to all teachers of classes 1 to 3 in primary schools and for students of these classes via online broadcast (link active on the day of the event).
The announced event is another initiative of the supervisory authority, in addition to the Personal Data Protection Office’s educational programme for students and schools "Your Data - Your Concern," aimed at building children’s awareness of personal data protection and privacy.
This is an example of the practical implementation of the requirement contained in Recital 38 of the preamble to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). It states that “children merit specific protection with regard to their personal data, as they may be less aware of the risks, consequences and safeguards concerned and their rights in relation to the processing of personal data”.
Together with “the GDPR-buddy”, we invite you to an e-lesson!